new blog and hugo things

hi. this is going to be my new blog/journal/diary/brain dump. instead of only spamming certain online imageboards about whatever i’m thinking about at the time i’m planning on sometimes posting here instead. i don’t think i’ll write here much but we’ll see

this blog was cooked up in a few hours with hugo, which is a extremely useful static site generator that compiles markdown files or templates into html. it was a bitch to set up, but it’s going to save me a lot of time from now on. a big thank you and shout out to nenrikido for their fantastic blog post on how to automatically deploy your site to neocities with github actions. now every time i push a commit to github, any changes i have made to the site will be automatically shown on neocities within a minute or so instead of struggling with that god awful interface.

i’m not sure what else i’m gonna add to the site; the homepage has nothing on it except for a p tag and a nifty easter egg where if you click anywhere it’ll start playing tsukihime track 3 lmfao. i might add the ability to make comments under any of my posts, but that’s a good amount of work for something nobody is going to touch. instead maybe i can a guestbook page? that would be cool.

i’m also thinking the blog theme/styling is a bit shit, but i’m bad at design and not sure how i’m gonna improve it beyond what it is currently. i was split between making the scrolling happen on the container for the posts in the middle or on the right side corner of the page like every other site. for now i’m gonna go with the former. i’m also going to add buttons to go to the next or previous posts and a way to go back to the all posts view.

that’s it for now. if anyone ends up reading my things i appreciate it.

it's so over lmfao
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